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I am Toni! I read, write and travel whenever I get a chance. I can't resist beautiful gardens, water and hiking trails. I am an ambivert who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion, and can flip into either depending on my mood, context and goals. I appreciate the simple things in life, value my alone time, but also thrive in social situations.


I am creative and curious; I love taking pictures, wine and all sorts of tea. When I am not out on an adventure, you'll find me listening to music or a podcast, cycling, painting, playing tennis, hiking, having a picnic or reading a book. After a career in finance, I took a year-long break to recalibrate and travel, then founded a social enterprise.


I thrive on exploring new frontiers. Through my work, I strive to create opportunities that empower women and youth while promoting cultural diversity and environmental sustainability. On this blog, I share my travel experiences and insights on the places I visit. My goal is to inspire you to travel, get out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

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